Written by E. Parsons BSN, RN
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous!” My mom shouts as she pulls the curtains closed. “Is the front door locked?”
“Yes, mom. It’s locked.” I say shaking my head as I watch her check the lock for the fifth time. “Why don’t you try some sleepy time tea? That might help!”
“That’s not going to help!” she says. “Quick, help me close the shutters!”
If you’re loved one with dementia is like mine, then you are all too familiar with this nightly routine. How can we help our loved ones with dementia find peace when they are feeling nervous? If sleepy time tea doesn’t cut it, can’t we try marijuana? After all, it’s legal in my state and there’s a dispensary right down the road from here! Many of our loved ones with dementia grew up in the 60’s and 70’s when marijuana was very popular so they may even be open to the idea of trying a more natural alternative to reducing anxiety.
Unfortunately, the jury is still out among the scientific community with research on both sides of the aisle. Some studies have shown many benefits of marijuana consumption in dementia patients while others caution that it can exacerbate symptoms. However, there has been an interesting development regarding the use of synthetic marijuana.
You see, the problem with simply walking into a dispensary and buying marijuana is that there are many species of the marijuana plant. From mellowing indica strains, to energizing sativa strains, there are a multitude of varieties that can cause a range of different effects. Marijuana is not as regulated as other drugs brought to the market, therefore, walking into a dispensary with hundreds of options to choose from can potentially be a scary move. This is why synthetic marijuana is promising.
One study that was presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference hails a synthetic form of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), or the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, as a very effective treatment for undesirable symptoms of dementia. It was reported to, “be safe and effective in treating agitation, lack of appetite and other behavioral symptoms in dementia patients” (Bahrampour, 2018). The trial was done at the University of Toronto and garnered promising results.
“In the trial, 39 people with moderate to severe Alzheimer's dementia received nabilone, a synthetic form of THC that is easier to regulate and is available in capsule form, for six weeks, and a placebo for six weeks. While on nabilone, their agitation levels and neuropsychiatric symptoms were reduced while their appetite improved, as exhibited in both clinical tests and caregiver reports” (2018).
This could be truly groundbreaking for our loved ones with dementia. Synthetic cannabinoids have the potential to increase appetite, reduce agitation and anxiety, and even prevent neurons from dying in the brain (2018). For my mother specifically, this could potentially be very helpful. She has lost over fifty pounds over the last few years and her appetite is not what it once was. Synthetic THC could potentially help her gain weight which would be phenomenal; and if it could also help her feel more peaceful at night when she experiences anxiety that could be even better!
However, I will offer a word of caution. If you are considering trying traditional or synthetic marijuana for your loved one with dementia, it is imperative that you speak with your primary care provider. Many commonly prescribed medications like antidepressants or pain medications have the potential to interact with marijuana so it is very important to have a conversation with your loved one’s physician first.
What do you think? Would you try marijuana for your loved one with dementia?
Bahrampour, T. (2018). Synthetic marijuana and brighter lights could improve the lives of people with dementia, new research shows. The Washington Post.